Impact Report 2023

Sustained Impact

We are creating the energy superhighways of the future, working across a continuum of clean energy technologies to modernize power grids, strengthen energy systems and keep communities vibrant and strong for generations to come.



For more than two decades, we've put the different aspects of power-generation together in ways that have moved the clean energy sector forward. In 2023, we chose to make advances in particular areas of innovation that would make the value to our customers more tangible - and sustainable - so we can keep building the world we want to see.


Megawatts added


Homes powered


Newly operational projects


New offices opened

Drone view of energy wind mill

Meeting the energy needs of millions of people.


Total megawatts in operation


Megawatts added


Expanding our reach. Amplifying our impact.

New projects
Megawatts added

Cotton Center

Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added


Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added

Desert Star

Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added

Gila Bend I + II

Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added

Foothills I + II

Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added

Hyder I + II

Yuma County
Arizona, USA
Megawatts added

Badger Hallow II

Iowa County
Wisconsin, USA
Megawatts added


Calhoun County
Michigan, USA
Megawatts added

Heartland Farms

Gratiot County
Michigan, USA
Megawatts added

Nelson Expansion

Lee County
Illinois, USA
Megawatts added

Sapphire Sky

McLean County
Illinois, USA
Megawatts added

Number Three

Lewis County
New York, USA
Megawatts added


Otawara County
Tochigi, Japan
Megawatts added
  • Manhattan, New York
  • Montreal, QC Canada
  • Madrid, Spain

We currently have 165+ sites operational, with active projects throughout Canada, Brazil, El Salvador, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Uruguay, the United Kingdom and the United States.



We expanded our empire state footprint with our newest New York City office, located in the historic Starrett-Lehigh Building. The new office serves as a hub for the company's robust pipeline of projects in the state.


We expanded our footprint in Canada and Québec with the opening of a new office in Montréal. Located in the historic district of Old Montréal, the new office will serve as a regional hub for Invenergy’s work in Québec.


After opening a regional Invenergy Services office in A Coruña in coastal Spain, this year we opened a corporate office in Madrid to continue developing our presence in the country.

As we continue to expand our global reach, we are aligning our work with several of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN SDGs emphasize the interconnected environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development by putting sustainability at the forefront.

Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
industry, innovation and infrastructure
Climate action
Life on land
partnership for the goals
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Our commitments to environmental stewardship extend beyond just how we build. At every stage of our work, from design and development to day-to-day operations, we take an active role in engineering each project to function alongside local ecosystems.


CO2 avoided. Progress made.


Tons of CO2 emissions avoided

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Trees planted

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Gasoline-powered cars off the road

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Forging a path to a cleaner future.

Invenergy aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 across our portfolio of renewable and clean power assets. This year, we made progress against our interim targets through an integrated approach. We are reducing our direct and indirect emissions through a combination of emission reduction measures and renewable energy investments focused on emissions from thermal combustion, mobile combustion, fugitives and purchased energy while also engaging with our suppliers and partners to reduce our supply chain emissions in line with our near-term decarbonization and green steel targets. Together with our customers and suppliers, we're learning, adapting and making progress.

Scope 01

Owned Assets

To reduce scope 1 emissions, we're developing a fleet electrification strategy and have begun leasing electric vehicles and installing EV charging stations at our sites.

At one of our thermal sites, we used a new technology during a fuel system maintenance outage which avoided methane emissions, resulted in a safer personnel environment due to elimination of extended blowdown operations, and led to minimal gas loss.

We're also exploring carbon capture & sequestration opportunities to address thermal emissions and commissioned a third-party carbon capture feasibility study to better understand the scope and cost of a gas plant retrofit.

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Scope 02

Purchased Energy

To address scope 2 emissions, we increased the percentage of our site operations powered by renewable energy, reducing emissions from purchased electricity. In 2023, our La Toba Energy Center retired clean energy certificates from its generation to match energy purchased at the site.

We plan to increase the percent of our purchased energy that comes from renewable energy each year.

We're also evaluating energy conservation measures that can be added to our new building standards to further reduce emissions.

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Scope 03

Indirect Emissions

We're engaging with our suppliers and partners to reduce our scope 3, upstream supply chain emissions.

As an inaugural member of the First Movers Coalition (FMC), Invenergy has pledged that at least 10% of our annual steel procurement volumes by 2030 will be met with near-zero emissions materials.

To make progress toward this goal, we joined Rocky Mountain Institute's (RMI) Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform, which aggregates the demand of North American companies for low-emissions steel to enable joint purchasing and collective impact.

Net Zero 1
Net Zero 2

Renewable Energy

Reduce emissions by 50%.

Address 70% of our scope 3
emissions through supplier
engagement and reduction.

Clean Power

Address 70% of our scope 3
emissions through supplier
engagement and reduction.

Renewable Energy

Achieve Net Zero emissions in
our scope 1 & 2 emissions.

Clean Power

Reduce emissions by 40%.

Renewable + Clean Power


Achieve Net Zero emissions
across our entire portfolio.

Achieve Net Zero

Renewable Energy


Reduce emissions by 50%.

Address 70% of our scope 3 emissions through supplier engagement and reduction.


Achieve Net Zero emissions in
our scope 1 & 2 emissions.


Achieve Net Zero emissions
across our entire portfolio.

Clean Power


Address 70% of our scope 3 emissions through supplier engagement and reduction.


Reduce emissions by 40%.


Achieve Net Zero emissions
across our entire portfolio.

Achieve Net Zero

  • Scope 01
  • Scope 02
  • Scope 03


Responsible stewardship of the land.

From consulting with state and federal governments to collaborating with resource experts, our environmental compliance and strategy teams dive deep on every project, using real-time data insights and resource impact minimization opportunities to ensure we are responsible stewards of the land.

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Developing renewable energy projects comes with the duty to manage them responsibly as stewards of the land they'll inhabit.

The opportunity to develop renewable energy projects on large tracts of land comes with the duty to manage it responsibly. As one of the first solar developers and operators in the U.S. with a dedicated vegetation management team, Invenergy is committed to developing and implementing comprehensive vegetation plans based on project-specific assessments and industry-leading best practices for every solar site that we build. Our team of experts leverage their in-depth implementation knowledge to properly establish healthy vegetation specific to each project site and identify long-term adaptive management programs for successful maintenance.

The Invenergy ECS team works with developers, engineers, asset managers, other departments, and external experts from resource agencies, consultants, and academia to ensure that our projects incorporate the latest information to minimize risk to species of concern and sensitive habitats. Invenergy is partnering with several agency, nonprofit, and industry partners to support a PacifiCorp-led study to understand whether painting one wind turbine rotor blade black is a viable technique to minimize impacts on eagles, other birds, and bats at operating wind facilities. Operational minimization techniques for eagles, to date, have been limited.

The Invenergy ECS team is also exploring opportunities to advance low-impact monitoring and survey methods.

For example, as part of required ocean floor surveying, known as benthic surveying, we are collecting water samples to see if they contain fish environmental DNA, or organismal DNA found free in the environment. This method represents a more passive and low-impact way to monitor fisheries compared to traditional methods that involve directly capturing fish to collect samples.

Our dedicated ECS team actively engages in research initiatives to address crucial environmental questions and develop tools and techniques which shape the state of science behind responsible energy planning and implementation. Invenergy’s environmental research initiatives span wind energy, solar, wildlife and vegetation management with partners spanning the breadth of private, public and academic sectors, including institutions such as the US Department of Energy National Laboratories, US Geological Survey, Cornell University, Michigan State University, and Oregon State University.

In 2023, Invenergy participated in a consortium of representatives from American Clean Power and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to bring forward the state of science for wind energy-related post-construction bat monitoring. The group compiled and analyzed bat fatality information from over 700 individual studies over the last 20 years to address fundamental questions that will inform industry and resource agencies' ability to effectively manage both wind energy projects and imperiled bat species.


Learning. Testing. Building. Advancing.

We work side by side to ensure our projects run efficiently at every step, while also finding ways to reduce and recycle the components involved when they reach the end of their life.

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Blade recycling

In 2023, wind turbine blade recycling remained a rapidly evolving space, and Invenergy continued work alongside innovative vendors in the space using solvolysis, pyrolysis, extrusion, injection molding and emerging technologies to create sustainably recycled blades. We also repurpose damaged blades for use in training our field service blade repair team.

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Extending the lifetime of our blades

Invenergy continues to advance the capabilities and efficiencies of blade repair each year. To maximize on good weather conditions required for blade access and composite work, Invenergy manages a fleetwide annual campaign for blade repairs. This project requires involvement with the site, asset management, procurement, and blade engineering team and continues to improve each year. Continually increasing from the campaign initiation in 2018, 27 sites participated in the 2023 campaign and the team expects the trend to continue especially with a growing fleet. This large scope not only improves reliability of the assets by utilizing the most efficient weather windows for repair, but also allows more work to be completed to keep the assets reliable long-term. In coordination with the campaign, the field services blade repair team showcases Invenergy’s innovative and operational excellence as it continues to grow and improve with each year.

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Blade repurposing

Our commitment to making a positive impact on the world around us goes beyond growing and developing clean energy. Supporting the communities and environments where we develop, live, work and operate is a top priority. We partnered with a company to repurpose the material from wind turbine blades into helpful items. As part of our broader industry upcycling efforts, our donation of $40,000 helped turn several decommissioned wind turbine blades into 10 new park benches for LaSalle County, IL, home to local Invenergy teams and our multi-generation wind, solar, and storage site, the Grand Ridge Energy Center.

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Pilot Programs

We use pilot programs to test and improve the environmental impacts of new projects. One such project was our focus on wind turbines in our fleet that can be exposed to significant environmental conditions. These conditions can cause towers to experience problems such as icing-related faults and leading edge (LE) erosion, resulting in a reduction of maximum power output, an overall drop in wind turbine availability and potentially safety risks like ice shedding or ice throw. We overcome these issues by applying leading edge protection (LEP) and hydrophobic coatings, even partnering with Aerones to pilot their LE repair and coating solutions that can prevent erosion and limit icing.


People & Safety

The company we are today is a result of the strong partnerships we build with the communities that host our projects, combined with our commitment to empowering our teams. Through hard work, problem solving, dedication and trust we are building a more sustainable world, enabling progress every day.

Employee Growth

20% employee growth across the globe.

As we grow our team, we focus on supporting our colleagues' professional development and are expanding the talent ready to build a clean energy future.

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Our dedication to safety.

Climbing high up the interior of a wind turbine or getting to work on the ground level, our projects start with safety at every step across every area we serve.

Dedication to Safety


65 Hrs

Safety training hours per Invenergy Services employee

43,355 Hrs

Total fleetwide training hours

Featured Story

Safety Spotlight

This year, we opened an official Training Center in Bloomington, Illinois, designed to provide comprehensive training classes and programs for groups of new and experienced renewables technicians. The 6,000-square foot facility includes two troubleshooting labs and instruction rooms.

The training classes offered at the center cover a wide range of renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and energy storage systems. These classes are tailored to address the evolving needs of the industry and provide technicians with a comprehensive skill set that aligns with industry standards and best practices.


“One of the most significant advantages of having this training center lies in its ability to bring technicians together from different sites. Unlike previous practices, where training was site-specific, the training center allows for cross-site interactions. Relationships, knowledge sharing, and collaboration amongst peers across different sites is crucial, especially given the rapid pace of growth that Invenergy is experiencing.” Ryan Irving, Vice President, Renewable Field Services

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Many perspectives, one goal.

We are as committed to becoming a more diverse, equitable and inclusive company as we are to building a sustainable world. Fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are sought, everyone feels included and can grow to their full potential is all of our responsibility.


Military veterans in U.S. workforce


Women in U.S. workforce


Racial diversity in U.S. workforce


Military veterans U.S. hires


Women U.S. hires


Racially diverse U.S. hires


Airstreams Renewables

Airstreams Renewables programs help active-duty personnel and veterans transition to civilian life. Our unique partnership helps advance training for military veterans in the energy industry. We hired 12 candidates from the program in 2023, in addition to supporting recruiting efforts among veterans. Invenergy funding also provided temporary housing, workplace tooling and personal protective equipment, travel and childcare support.


New partnerships with diverse professional associations

In 2023, we were proud to partner with the National Black MBA Association, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and the National Society of Black Engineers. We collaborated with these organizations on events and networking opportunities, connecting Invenergy employees to those seeking a future in the clean energy sector.


Women in Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE)

We began our relationship with Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) in 2007 and our support has expanded every year since. WRISE promotes opportunities for systemically excluded groups, often women, to build their careers in the sector, be mentored, get skill building and stay on top of industry trends. In 2023, we sponsored WRISE's annual fundraiser, WRISE n Wine and the RE+ Clean Energy Job fair, co-hosted by GRID Alternatives. Invenergy is Leader Partner of WRISE, which provides all Invenergy employees with access to a free WRISE membership, among other benefits.


Invested in what matters to our people.

Through Invenergy Affinity Groups, we work to connect employees with shared interests and common bonds, creating communities that enrich our company culture and helping colleagues make the impact they want to see in the world.

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Black & Brown @ Invenergy (BBI) focuses on increasing awareness, presence, opportunity, participation, and advocacy for people of African ancestry in sustainable energy careers.

BBI hosted several events throughout the year promoting Black culture, identity, and inclusion at Invenergy. Key highlights of the 2023 program was various events celebrating Black History Month, and a celebration of Juneteenth which aimed to deepen understanding about the history and significance of Juneteenth, and included internal speakers, opportunities for Q&A and a performance from the Generation Dance Company, a Black-owned and -led dance company.

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Invenergy+ allows current and prospective Invenergy employees who identify as LGBTQ+, or those who support LGBTQ+ people, to connect on shared experiences and values.

While Invenergy+ celebrated their pride throughout the year, Pride Month in June showcased a range of topics of significance to LGBTQ+ inclusion, including: hosting a lunch & learn with Howard Brown Health focused on affirming healthcare, a conversation with Out in Energy, and a performance by a prominent Chicago performer and drag race winner.

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The NEW Network offers employees who are early in their careers or the energy industry the chance to meet people on an array of teams. This helps create opportunities to learn about different departments and functions within Invenergy.

The NEW Network connected colleagues from different departments and backgrounds to build ties and guide professional development through various events. This included co-hosted panel on career progression with IWN that showcased experiences from employees who have held several roles at the company. The group also grew fellowship through their very competitive kickball league!

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The Invenergy Sustainability Network (ISN) is a platform to engage and educate employees and their extended networks on concepts of sustainability and how we, building on our culture of innovation, can reduce our impacts and promote and encourage environmental responsibility.

From hosting an environmental investing lunch and learn with Calvert Investments, one of the largest responsible investment companies, successfully advocated to get an environmental fund added to Invenergy's 401k investment options, to a plant propagation day with over 50 attendees, ISN organized unique ways to incorporate sustainability into employees everyday life.

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The Invenergy Veterans Network (IVN) is an employee Affinity Group dedicated to enhancing the professional experience of veterans within the company.

IVN was very active in efforts to expand the veteran workforce in the energy sector including speaking at events and serving as mentors. The group also hosted US Department of Labor Assistant Secretary for VETS, Honorable James Rodriguez for a discussion with Invenergy colleagues. The group also fundraised over $4,000 through the annual “Breakfast Burritos and Taco Tuesdays” event, donated to Code Platoon, a nonprofit that provides technical training and career placement for veterans, active duty service members, and military spouses.

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The Invenergy Women's Network (IWN) promotes the development and advancement of women at Invenergy to create a more inclusive workplace. The group facilitates industry outreach, recruiting, workshops and professional development in order to enhance leadership skills, and to attract and retain talented women.

IWN hosted several events through the year promoting opportunities and education for women in the workplace, one being emPOWER, Invenergy’s year-long mentorship program. In 2023, the program had over 350 participants across 20 Invenergy offices and sites.

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The Unidos mission is to create opportunities for employees to gain leadership experience, support local communities and celebrate the rich cultures and heritage of Latin/Hispanic countries.

Launched this year during National Hispanic Heritage month in September, Unidos started with events for employees to celebrate Latin and Hispanic cultures. At our Chicago headquarters, Unidos hosted a Día de los Muertos presentation and celebration, complete with traditional foods and activities customary to the holiday. In collaboration with NEW and ISN, Unidos sponsored a volunteer initiative led by our Mexico City team. They cleaned up the Xochimilco Canals, a local natural attraction with immense cultural significance.


Workforce development goals

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Invenergy is striving to build the energy workforce of the future—collaborating with local communities and industry partners to train new and experienced energy workers and to provide pathways to competitive careers. To this end, Invenergy has developed a three-part goal focused on the elements required to build a workforce that can power Invenergy’s business growth and increase access for more communities to the clean energy economy.

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By the end of 2025, Invenergy Services will increase its total training capacity by 200% when compared to a 2023 baseline.

Recognizing people as the most critical element enabling business success, Invenergy is providing a safe, supportive and engaging environment for technicians to complete hands-on training with equipment and labs. Our ambitious training capacity goal reflects our optimism for the growth of the industry and our confidence to train well-rounded and job-ready technicians that provide best-in-class service.

By the end of 2025, Invenergy will ensure that a majority (>51%) of staff at Invenergy-owned and operated projects are from the surrounding local community, so that project communities are reaping direct economic benefits.

Invenergy has always worked to hire locally to the extent possible, so that project communities tangibly benefit from projects. However, we want to go further by systematically ensuring through new metrics that a clear majority of employees at Invenergy project sites are from the surrounding community.

By 2030, Invenergy and its affiliates will facilitate training for 2,500 traditionally underserved workers. These efforts will ensure individuals in disadvantaged communities have the support that they need to enroll in clean energy job training, complete training, and enter a career with family sustaining wages.

Invenergy is committed to increasing access to renewable energy jobs in underserved communities, including those that have low-to-moderate income designations and those that are energy transition communities. This goal reflects the resolve of Invenergy to play a significant role in promoting economic equity and a just transition.


Building the next generation of impact.

We are proud to engage, train, upskill, develop and support clean energy's next wave of innovators who will provide the leadership to accelerate sustainability in the sector.

This year we grew our signature corporate management training program, PowerUp, beyond our Chicago office, expanding to include hybrid and e-learning programming. We also piloted the Green Leaders Management Training Program for our Invenergy Services employees. The program is planned to fully launch later in 2024.  

Reactivate, an Invenergy joint-venture, celebrated the launch and graduation of 12 Chicagoland trainees from their inaugural workforce training program, Building Equity in Solar Training (B.E.S.T.). Reactivate was also honored with the Green Power Leadership’s “Leadership in Education” award, which recognizes effective and unique programs and organizations focusing on green power education.

Based in Pataskala, Ohio, Illuminate USA is the first and largest solar panel manufacturing facility in the country and the most advanced facility in the world. Announced in March 2023 with a $600 million investment, the company will not only create onshore solar manufacturing, but start building the local supply chain in the USA. Invenergy is Illuminate USA's majority owner and anchor customer, and the facility is expected to create more than 1,000 local jobs in the Greater Columbus and Pataskala communities. Illuminate USA is partnering with local workforce and educational organizations such as OhioMeansJobs, JobsOhio, and Career Technology and Education Center (CTEC) to create training and skills development programs in advanced manufacturing while also supporting recruiting efforts.



As we expand our presence around the world, we are guided by our responsibility to the communities we'll call home. In every location, we stay focused on our role as an active, invested partner who is there to make a lasting, positive impact.


Economic investment in home communities


State & local taxes


Land costs & lease payments


Project-generated wages & benefits


Total cause-based investments


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    Health & EMS

  • veterans icon


Community engagement

Staying plugged into the places we call home.

Being a good community partner is at the heart of everything we do. As we expand our reach, we keep this philosophy top of mind, sponsoring activities, holding events and providing donations to causes where we live, develop, build, work and operate.

Invenergy celebrated the history and culture of the American West by supporting Oklahoma's Guymon Pioneer Days Rodeo, one of the largest and most renowned rodeos in the region. This annual event showcases a wide range of events, like saddle bronc riding, barrel racing and team roping. The rodeo is more than competitions; it's also a celebration of the region's heritage and cowboy culture. Over 15,000 attendees came to immerse themselves in the rich history through various cultural exhibits, music, food, and arts and crafts vendors. Vicki Ayres Portman, Invenergy's Senior Manager of Government Affairs, grew up in Guymon and attended the event for years and has said “I'm proud to work for a company who understands the importance of being an integral part of the community.”

At a series of events for participating landowners and neighbors near our Darien Solar Project (200 MW, WI), community members came together for fellowship, dialogue and a bird house building activity that encouraged each family to bring home a small reminder of conservation efforts to add to their own homes. Lindsey Weimer, a participating Darien Landowner who attended with her daughters said, “Our family is dedicated to preserving land for future generations, promoting sustainable farming and educating our children about land and wildlife conservation. By building the bird houses with Darien Solar, we not only had a great time, but we also are doing a small part to help our community and the environment.”

We work within the communities we serve to ensure the safety, resilience, and well-being of our site personnel. They receive training from local first responders to follow all the necessary steps in any emergencies. In 2023, we donated over $380,000 towards nonprofits and causes dedicated to providing healthcare and emergency medical services to the public. Our Prairie Breeze Energy Center was one of many sites that supported their local fire departments. These contributions not only strengthen the capabilities of local first responders but also reinforce the vital partnership between our organization and our communities.


Showing up to serve our communities.

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Our volunteer time-off program encourages teams to dedicate one workday a year to assisting nonprofit organizations and giving back locally. Whether helping out at animal shelters, pitching in at food banks, or serving as an extra set of hands for cleanup crews, Invenergy employees choose to contribute in a range of ways to making a positive impact.

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Volunteer Total

2,192 Hrs

Volunteered by Invenergy employees in 2023


From last year's total

Volunteer events
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Habitat for Humanity

Our team at Grays Harbor Energy Center (650 MW, Thermal, WA) continued their yearly tradition of volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, but with a twist: they built a tiny home. The pilot program was established by the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity to help make home ownership possible for people within a certain income threshold.

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Cradles to Crayons

Members of the Invenergy Chicago team volunteered at Cradles to Crayons. The organization provides hundreds of children, ages newborn to 12 years old, who are living in homeless or low-income situations, essential items for school and play.

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Trust for Public Land

Invenergy Denver team-members volunteered with our Impact Partner, Trust for Public Land, and Jefferson County Colorado Open Space to help maintain trails at White Ranch Park, located in Golden, Colorado. The trail, a hot spot for mountain biking, was in need of repairs after unprecedented summer rain. The team worked to shape and construct a new multi-use trail while also planting native vegetation to prevent further erosion.

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Arbor Day Tree Planting

To celebrate Arbor Day, our team at Judith Gap Energy Center (135 MW, Wind) planted a variety of trees near the project in Harlowton, Montana. Working alongside the City of Harlowton's maintenance crew, the group planted elm, ash and boxelder trees as well as Ponderosa pine, Montana's state tree.

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Chicago Beach Clean Up

The Chicago lakefront boasts more than two dozen public beaches which are enjoyed by the city’s 2.5 million residents and visitors each year. Keeping beaches litter and trash-free is the mission of Chicago Beach Clean Up, a local nonprofit that works with corporate partners. More than 45 Invenergy Chicago employees turned out for a volunteer day and collected more than 85 lbs. of trash and recycling from Ohio Street Beach, just a few miles down the road from our headquarters and helped to keep Lake Michigan pollution-free.

2023 impact partners

Our teams care about making a difference in their communities and in the world every day. This impact is only possible thanks to the support and collaboration with our many important nonprofit partners.

For more than 100 years, 4-H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they're making a difference in their communities while encouraging them to learn by doing. In 2023, we supported the distribution of over 300 “Power Protectors,” 4-H STEM Challenge kits which include three activities that teach kids how to address real-world issues and explore a future career in the energy sector.

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Chicago Scholars provides first-gen students or students from under-resourced communities with mentorship and coaching to complete college, forge a fulfilling career path, and become the next generation of leaders. Invenergy hosted the New Scholar Selection Day at our Chicago headquarters and was proud to see the second annual Invenergy Scholarship awarded to two deserving students pursuing a career in clean energy.

Chicago Scholars
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We proudly committed to a 5-year partnership with the Polsky Foundation, the University of Chicago and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to create the Young Innovators Program and Young Innovators Climate and Energy Summer Program, two programs for high school students interested in careers in sustainability and clean energy.

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The Chicago Urban League (CUL) has helped people find jobs, secure affordable housing, enhance their educational experiences, and grow their businesses. Invenergy sponsored CUL’s 2023 SUMMIT, Equity in Clean Energy & Water, which featured a daylong series of discussions and a keynote luncheon that explored the roles of corporations, government, and community in creating solutions that advance sustainability, environmental justice and diversity in the clean energy economy.

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The National FFA Organization makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. We’ve had a national partnership with FFA since 2018, and each year our operating sites across the U.S. support activities at local chapters.

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GRID's mission is to build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy. We supported a 5-week, all women’s Installations Basics Training cohort of 11 trainees in Sacramento, as well as workforce development activities in Greater Los Angeles. Invenergy employees also had the chance to volunteer at two GRID Workdays to install residential solar for families in Colorado.

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KidWind helps teachers and students creatively explore the science and technology implications of a world powered by renewable energy. Invenergy was a main sponsor of the National KidWind Challenge in Boulder, Colorado. We also supported three KidWind teacher training workshops, a KidWind Challenge in Baja, Mexico, and supported two teachers attending KidWind’s annual REcharge Academy.

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The Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) is one of the largest science museums in the world, with more than 400,000 square feet of exhibit space and world-class programming. Our partnership provided free access to the museum for our employees, and Invenergy employees volunteered in several MSI events throughout the year, like their Black Creativity Career Showcase and Science Works.

Museum of Science + Industry
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Pheasants Forever's mission is to conserve pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education and conservation advocacy. We began our national partnership with Pheasants Forever in 2023. We’re supporting their three-year biodiversity credit pilot with sorghum and oat growers in Kansas in partnership with Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC), and their Pollinator Habitat Outreach Program that increases awareness about decreasing pollinator habitat and engages schools, youth groups and community organizations in establishing local habitat projects.

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Trust for Public Land (TPL) was founded on the conviction that all people need access to nature, which is why they work to connect everyone to the benefits and joys of the outdoors. We continued our support of WACA Bell Park in Chicago’s North Lawndale neighborhood, where Invenergy employees had the chance to work with local artist Haman Cross to paint miniature murals at the space.

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Women in Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) works to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and equitable energy future by igniting the power of community. Invenergy is a Leader Partner with WRISE, which provided access to all Invenergy employees to a free WRISE membership. In 2023, we also sponsored the RE+ Clean Energy Job Fair, Leadership Forum, and the WRISE Chicago Chapter, WRISE & WINE event.

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